Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safley in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, "Holy Shit...what a ride!!"
Friday, August 29, 2008
Lower Rauma
Paddlers Tom Bannon, Dom Pipper, 3 English lads and me.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Mickey Mouse run
Paddlers. Dom, Ted, Tom and Me
Iv made a short little video of the mickey mouse section that we did. We where lucky enough to have plenty of water for your first 10 or so runs on it. When the water drops the run still goes but the 4-5 meter drop gets really hard to boof and it only lands on a foot or 2 of water. This river has the most fun kayaking packed into 800 - 1000 meter section ever. The great thing about this river is that when your finished you can walk back to the put in and do it again. Enjoy. Oh Ya keep and eye on the blog as im going to have the footage of our lower rauma day up soon.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Norway Fun
Friday, July 11, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Kick ass rock slide on the Guardian Angel Gorge
Back Hammer on the Fernel
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Getting ready

Iv managed to get myself a bike for the race at long last, hopefully it will work out. Its very light and i wreckon will be very fast
Lapierre Race 500
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April 24th
Well its 2 months before i head off for the summer. Ill be heading back to British Columbia for some steep creeking and adventure kayaking.
At the moment im in Wicklow keeping my head down and working to save money for the trip. This is the worst part about being a traveling kayaker but it has to be done.
Iv been keeping myself occupied by adventure racing. Im in training at the moment for the Turas Beag race held in Kerry. Its a 65km race around and up over the Reeks.
I had my first taste of the adventure racing last weekend racing around the wicklow mountains. The race was organised be Total Experiences Brian Keogh and Sean Murry. It was a fantastic day beautiful running up over the Wicklow hills and some fantastic single track mountain biking. Shame the kayaking was an hour of flat water hell. Ill keep you posted on how it goes.

Me and Chris on the second leg in the wicklow mountains
Well training is going well for the race in Kerry. I was brought down to Ballinastoe last sunday for a mountain bike race by Mr Keogh.I was trying to make the sports class but slept in due to working till 3 o clock in the morning on the Saturday it was the experts class and 4 laps not 2 laps for me.