Monday, April 29, 2013


Bored kayakers

So with the serious lack of water we had to come up with something to do to keep the thirst at bay. 
So what better to do than tie a kayak to the back of a quad bike and bomb around a field in it!!
Cheers to Johann and Marius for film and putting it on YouTube. Might be a good idea to wear a helmet  the next time!

Monday, April 15, 2013

14-4-13 (Day in Kerry with plenty of water)

Flesk 1.2

Here you are lads, I should be focusing on my final year of college assignments but this footage was to much fun to go through. Sorry for the fast forwarding but I just want to show how far the boat chasing actually was. 
I think there was some very good lessons learned on this day for all of us kayakers. Good on the lads for firing up I think by the time we got off it was around 1.3 so it was rising for the run.